January 21
Today’s Verse
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. (KJV)
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (BSB)
Today’s Verse
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. (KJV)
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (BSB)
The heavens declare the glory of God. The expanse shows his handiwork. (WEB)
The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork. (NET)
KJV - King James Version, BSB - Berean Study Bible, WEB - World English Bible, NET - New English Translation
Today’s Quote
Christ’s riches are unsearchable, and the gospel is the field this Treasure is hidden in.
— Thomas Goodwin
Spurgeon’s Daily Help
Beloved, while it's important not to neglect external duties, which have their value, we must ensure that we also enjoy a living, personal relationship with Jesus. Make sure that sitting at the Savior's feet is not neglected, even if it’s for the sake of serving Him. The first priority for our spiritual
health, for His glory, and for our usefulness is to keep ourselves in constant communion with the Lord Jesus and to maintain the vital spirituality of our faith above everything else in the world.
Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life.
Public domain content from Daily Help by Charles Spurgeon.
The Spurgeon Birthday Book
January 21
Some people have a tendency to create their own misery; they have a knack for imagining everything that is dark, depressing, and wretched. Even if they were placed in the most beautiful paradise, with clear skies, where birds sing sweetly, and the earth
is full of color and fragrance, they wouldn’t be content until they had imagined for themselves a river of despair flowing through a valley filled with graves and shrouded in eternal darkness.
Public domain content from The Spurgeon Birthday Book by Charles Spurgeon
Spurgeon’s Quote
We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously He once waited for us.
— Charles Spurgeon
Ein Karem, Jerusalem, Israel
Daily Devotionals
January 21