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May 22

Song of Confidence

If I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve me from the anger of my foes; You extend Your hand, and Your right hand saves me. — Ps 138:7 BSB

Walking in the middle of trouble can feel terrible, but it’s actually a blessing because there’s a special promise for it. Give me a promise, and trouble is no longer troubling. What does the Lord teach me to say here? This: "You will revive me." I will have more life, more energy, more faith. Isn’t it often true that trouble revives us, like a cold breeze that brings us back when we’re about to faint?

How angry are my enemies, especially the enemy of my soul! Should I fight them myself? No, my hands are better used in serving my Lord. Besides, I don’t need to fight, because God’s arm is long enough, and He will handle them far better than I ever could. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” He will use His power and wisdom to save me, and what more could I want?

Come, my heart, reflect on this promise until it becomes your song of confidence and the comfort of your holiness. Pray for revival within yourself, and leave the rest in the hands of the Lord, who works everything out for you.

Faith's Checkbook - May 22

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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