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January 3

Bearing Witness of Christ

He himself was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light. — John 1:8 BSB

The mission of every Christian is to bear witness to the Light. The Bible says that the human spirit is the Lord’s candle, but in our natural state, that candle is unlit. It can be lit, but until the Holy Spirit touches it with His fire, it remains dark and lifeless.

When the candle is lit, it illuminates our hearts, making us light. This is how we bear witness to the Light—Christ shines through us. Our light is just a small reflection of His light breaking through our lives. Those who see us catch glimpses of the true Light.

We can also bear witness to the Light in other ways. While we cannot bring anyone to salvation or give life to a soul, we can point people to Christ, who is the true Light. We can tell others in their times of need and sorrow about the fullness of Christ.

We bear witness to Christ through our words, telling what He’s done for us. Just like we would praise a doctor who healed us, why wouldn’t we share what Christ has done? We can also bear witness through our lives, showing what Christ can do for those who come to Him. We should be good, true witnesses, representing Him well. It would be tragic if someone got the wrong impression of Christ because of us. We must be careful not to misrepresent Him in any way.

Daily Word of God - January 3

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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