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May 7
with houses full of every good thing with which you did not fill them, with wells that you did not dig, and with vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant—and when you eat and are satisfied, be careful not to forget the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. — Deut 6:11-12 BSB
The Israelites were going to a land already settled by another nation, with cities built, fine houses filled with good things, and vineyards already planted. God was going to give all this to them. They wouldn’t have to build homes or plant orchards of their own.
But the danger was that, once they received all these blessings, they might forget that these were gifts from God and turn away into sin. We must not forget the Giver while we enjoy His gifts.
Children who receive many good things from their parents are often ungrateful, forgetting the toil and sacrifice it took to provide for them.
It’s better for us to work for the things we receive, because then we’ll understand their value and be more grateful to God for them. Forgetting God is always dangerous. Forgetting any friend who has been good to us is a great wrong, but forgetting God, to whom we owe everything, is the worst sin of all.