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May 6

These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts. — Deut 6:6 BSB

There’s a story in one of the sacred books of the Hindus about a devotee who served a goddess so faithfully that she offered him whatever he wanted.

She offered him land and great wealth, but he said, “I don’t need those things. I already have large estates, plenty of gold and silver, and all the good things of life. But I’m a miser. I can’t enjoy what I have. I’m dying of hunger even though I’m surrounded by plenty. I don’t know how to feel the pleasures that generous people experience. Give me, then, a new heart.”

The goddess was amazed and said, “You have asked for something too difficult,” and she vanished.

But this is exactly what God does for those who ask Him. He can change the miser’s heart so that they find joy in blessing others with their gifts. He does this by putting His Word into the heart. Then, the heart is changed, and the life that was all wrong is made right.

Mornings With God - May 6

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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