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May 11

And he would add, “If only someone would appoint me judge in the land, then everyone with a grievance or dispute could come to me, and I would give him justice.” — 2 Sam 15:4 BSB

It’s easy to criticize others and think we’d do a much better job in their place.

First, Absalom poisoned the people’s minds against David by implying that the king was neglectful and that the people were suffering because of it. Then he suggested how much better things would be if he were in charge. We can see how treacherous his words were. He didn’t care about the people’s real or imagined problems—he only wanted to destroy their trust in David and win their loyalty for himself.

There are always people who think the only way to rise is by tearing others down. It’s easy for us, even without meaning to, to say careless words that make others look bad while indirectly suggesting we’d do better in their place.

It takes a noble heart and constant vigilance to stay truly loyal to our friends.

Mornings With God - May 11

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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