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May 20
We Dare Not Doubt
I will go before you and level the mountains; I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron. — Isa 45:2 BSB
This promise was for Cyrus, but it applies to all of the Lord’s spiritual servants. As long as we move forward in faith, our path will be cleared. The twisted schemes of human craftiness and satanic trickery will be straightened out for us; we won’t have to figure out their deceptive paths. The gates of brass will be broken, and the iron bars that secure them will be cut apart. We won’t need battering rams or crowbars—the Lord Himself will accomplish the impossible for us, and the unexpected will become reality.
Let’s not sit in fear or doubt. Let’s move forward in the path of duty, because the Lord has said, “I will go before you.” It’s not our job to question why; it’s our job to step out in faith and act. This is God’s work, and He will give us the ability to do it. Every obstacle must fall before Him. Hasn’t He said, “I will break in pieces the gates of brass”? Nothing can stop His plans or delay His purposes. Those who serve God have infinite resources. The way may be blocked for human strength, but it’s wide open to faith. When God says “I will,” as He does twice in this promise, we dare not doubt.