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October 13

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. — John 14:26 BSB

If the Lord has given you eyes to see and hearts to receive this divine Comforter, then praise, bless, and adore God the Father for His grace in revealing the Comforter to you. If the Holy Spirit has ever taught you and given you comfort, thank God for sending the Spirit of truth into your conscience. What but His sovereign grace—rich, free, and overflowing—has made the difference between you and the world that cannot receive Him? Without His work in your soul, you would still be of the world, hardening your heart against all that is good, walking in the pride and ignorance of unbelief and self-righteousness, heading toward death.

Oh, how merciful it is if even one drop of heavenly comfort has ever been given to your soul! If you’ve ever found relief in your sorrows through the work of the Holy Spirit, if any promise has been applied to your heart with power, if any scripture has brought peace, if the love and sacrifice of Christ have ever been made real to you, then bless the Lord for that. These experiences, no matter how small or fleeting, give you a taste of true blessedness and make you long for more.

But it’s important to examine these experiences carefully. Make sure they are genuine, and that when weighed in the balance of truth, you have good reason to believe that what you felt was truly the work of the Comforter. Consider whether the truth you’ve experienced, believed, and professed has been opened up to your heart by the Spirit of truth.

Daily Blessings - October 13

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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