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September 19
The Far Country
After a few days, the younger son got everything together and journeyed to a distant country, where he squandered his wealth in wild living. — Luke 15:13 BSB
A person doesn’t go long after breaking away from God before they start drifting farther from Him. Once they’ve taken control of their own life, the old paths seem too restrictive, too narrow. They’ve taken all their “goods”—their gifts, talents, and resources—into their own hands, ready to live life their own way, seeking freedom and self-gratification. Everyone who isn’t at home with God, living as a child in the Father’s house, has wandered into that distant land.
The “far country” is a costly place to live. Once the prodigal got there, his wealth began to disappear, and it wasn’t long before it was all gone, wasted on reckless living. This isn’t just a story—it’s the reality for many young people today. Thousands waste their resources every year in the pursuit of pleasure, indulging in things that ultimately lead to ruin.
Spiritually speaking, the “substance” of a person consists of their gifts, talents, and opportunities. When these are not used for God or to bless others, they are wasted. And when they are squandered in sinful living, the loss is even greater. Picture someone with potential for greatness, yet choosing the path of destruction—sacrificing their body, mind, and soul for fleeting pleasures. The man with one talent who hid it away instead of using it was condemned. How much worse will it be for those who waste their talents in sin, using them to harm themselves and others?