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May 6

Day by Day

Give us this day our daily bread. — Matt 6:11

This seems a very small thing to ask — only bread for a day. Why are we not taught to pray for bread enough to last a week, or a month, or a year? For one thing, Jesus wanted to teach us a lesson of continual dependence. He taught us to come each morning with a request simply for the day’s food, that we might never feel we can get along without our Father. Another lesson He wanted to teach us was that the true way to live is by the day. We are not to be anxious even about the supply of to-morrow’s needs. When to-morrow comes it will be right for us to take up its cares. The same great lesson was taught in the way the manna was given — just a day’s portion at a time.

Make a little fence of trust
  Around to-day;
Fill the space with loving work,
  And therein stay.
Look not through the sheltering bars
  Upon to-morrow;
God will help thee bear what comes
  Of joy or sorrow.

We should not over look the word “us.” It is pural and bids us send thought beyond our own individual need and remember God’s other children. This should always be a prayer for daily bread for our hungry neighbour as well as for ourself. Then while we thus enjoy our own plenty, we must share with those who have need.

This crust is My body broken for thee,
This water His blood that died on the tree;
The holy Supper is kept, indeed,
In whatso we share with another‘s need,—
Not that which we give, but what we share,—
For the gift without the giver is bare:
Who bestows himself with his alms feeds three—
Himself, his hungering neighbour, and Me.

Daily Word of God - May 6

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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