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May 4

Heaven Brought to Us

The kingdom come. — Matt 6:10

This is a very comprehensive prayer. It pleads for the extension of God‘s spiritual realm in this world — His power over men’s hearts and lives, the subjugation of earth’s kingdoms to His sway. It is a prayer that men may be better — that they may put away their sins and amend their lives; that they may take Christ as their king, and yield every thought and desire to Him. It is not a longing to be lifted away to heaven, but a craving that heaven may be brought to us, into our hearts and lives.

We are in danger of thinking too much of other people and the coming of God‘s kingdom into other hearts and lives as we offer his prayer. The little piece of world for which we are first responsible is that which lies within our own hearts and lives. While then we pray “Thy kingdom come,” we should look within ourselves to see if we have submitted to the reign of Christ.

Thy kingdom here?
    Lord, can it be?
Searching and seeking everywhere
    For many a year,
“Thy kingdom come” has been my prayer;
Was that dear kingdom all the while so near?

Was I the bar
    Which shut me out
From the full joyance which they taste
    Whose spirits are
Within thy Paradise embraced—
Thy blessed Paradise, which seemed so far?

Let me not sit
    Another hour
Idly awaiting what is mine to win,
    Blinded in wit.
Lord Jesus, rend these walls of self and sin;
Beat down the gate, that I may enter in.

Daily Word of God - May 4

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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