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May 28
And hope putteth not to shame; because the love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts. — Rom 5:5
The bird let loose in eastern skies,
When hastening fondly home,
Ne’er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies
Where idle warblers roam;
But high she shoots through air and light,
Above all low delay,
Where nothing earthly bounds her flight,
Nor shadow dims her way.
— Thomas Moore.
Remember, the essence of religion is, a heart void of offense toward God and man; not subtle speculative opinions, but an active principle of faith.
— William Pitt.
God of mercy, reveal to me the hallowed life. May I be reminded that, while I may save and keep the dust from things that perish, my life, though unkept and undeveloped, tells in itself the value and need of the most watchful care. Amen.