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May 28

And hope putteth not to shame; because the love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts. — Rom 5:5

The bird let loose in eastern skies,
When hastening fondly home,
Ne’er stoops to earth her wing, nor flies
Where idle warblers roam;
But high she shoots through air and light,
Above all low delay,
Where nothing earthly bounds her flight,
Nor shadow dims her way.
— Thomas Moore.

Remember, the essence of religion is, a heart void of offense toward God and man; not subtle speculative opinions, but an active principle of faith.
— William Pitt.


God of mercy, reveal to me the hallowed life. May I be reminded that, while I may save and keep the dust from things that perish, my life, though unkept and undeveloped, tells in itself the value and need of the most watchful care. Amen.

Daily Prayer Guide - May 28

Public domain content taken from Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz.

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