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June 6
We also rejoice in our tribulations: knowing that tribulation worketh steadfastness; and steadfastness, approvedness; and approvedness, hope. — Rom 5:3-4
These stones that make the meadow brooklet murmur
Are the keys on which it plays.
O’er every shelving rock its touch grows firmer,
Resounding notes to raise.
If every path o’er which footsteps wander,
Were smooth as ocean strand,
There were no theme for gratitude and wonder
At God’s delivering hand.
— W. E. Winks.
My Father, if rain may come to-day, may I realize its help, with the power of the sun, to increase life; and may its influence be sweet and wholesome to me, as I learn that sadness is temporary and will disappear with the coming of gladness. May I go search for the joy that may be mine to-day. Amen.