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March 6

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. — Matt 4:1 BSB

Jesus had to be tested and proven before He could begin His work of saving the world.

If He couldn’t defeat the adversary for Himself, He couldn’t hope to deliver others. But He was victorious, and now He can help us in our temptations. If He had turned stones into bread to satisfy His hunger, He would have been distrusting His Father’s provision. If He had thrown Himself off the pinnacle, He would have been demanding God’s protection outside of God’s will. If He had accepted the tempter’s offer of the world, He would have been taking Satan’s path to power instead of God’s.

After Jesus won the victory, angels came and ministered to Him. God always blesses those who endure faithfully.

Jesus saves the world by drawing people to Himself. His invitation is, “Come to Me.” That’s where the Christian life begins. We must come to Christ before we can do any work for Him.

Mornings With God - March 6

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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