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March 2

So David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh-gilead to tell them, “The LORD bless you, because you showed this kindness to Saul your lord when you buried him. — 2 Sam 2:5 BSB

We must remember how Saul treated David, chasing him through the hills like a wild animal. Yet David never responded with bitterness or resentment. Twice, at least, he had the chance to take Saul’s life but spared him. Through all those bitter days, David kept his heart loving and free from hatred.

When Saul died, David’s grief was expressed in a beautiful elegy full of tenderness. Later, when he heard that the people of Jabesh-Gilead had honored Saul’s body, his heart was gladdened, and he was deeply grateful.

All of this shows a magnanimous spirit, the very spirit that Jesus would later commend as belonging to the kingdom of heaven.

The challenge of true living is to keep the heart always warm and loving, no matter what storms are brewing outside. “Always keep sweet and go on shining” is a good motto.

Mornings With God - March 2

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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