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October 18


You crown the year with Your bounty, and Your paths overflow with plenty. — Ps 65:11 BSB

Many are the “paths of the Lord” that “drop fatness,” but one of the most fruitful is the path of prayer. No believer who spends much time in the secret place will have to cry, “My leanness, my leanness! Woe unto me!” Souls that starve live far from the mercy seat, like fields parched in drought. Wrestling with God in prayer will always make a believer strong—if not joyful.

The closest place to the gate of heaven is the throne of grace. The more time you spend with Jesus, the more assurance you’ll have; but if you neglect time alone with Him, your faith will be shallow, plagued with doubts and fears, and lacking the joy of the Lord. Since the soul-strengthening path of prayer is open to even the weakest saint, and since no high level of spiritual attainment is required, you are invited to come as long as you are a child of God. So make sure you often travel the path of private prayer. Be much on your knees, for that is how Elijah brought rain to the dry land of Israel.

Another path that drips with spiritual blessings is the secret walk of communion with Jesus. Oh, the joy of fellowship with Him! No words on earth can describe the deep calm of a soul resting in Jesus’ embrace. Too few Christians experience this. They live in the valleys and rarely climb to the mountaintop of spiritual insight. They dwell in the outer court, not entering the Holy of Holies. They witness the sacrifice but don’t sit down to feast with the Great High Priest, enjoying the richness of His grace. But you, dear reader, sit under the shade of Jesus’ presence. Take hold of Him and His promises, and He will satisfy your soul with the abundance of His goodness. O Jesus, visit us with Your salvation!


But Samuel declared: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obedience to His voice? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and attentiveness is better than the fat of rams. — 1 Sam 15:22 BSB

Saul was commanded to destroy the Amalekites and their livestock completely, but instead, he spared the king and allowed the people to keep the best of the animals. When confronted, he excused his disobedience by claiming that he planned to offer the animals as sacrifices to God. But Samuel immediately rebuked him, making it clear that sacrifices are no substitute for obedience.

This powerful lesson is still relevant today. We live in an age when many people are more focused on rituals and religious practices than on obeying God’s commands. Let it be firmly planted in your heart that walking in obedience to Christ is better than any outward form of religion. Listening to and following His Word is far more pleasing to God than offering sacrifices, no matter how grand or costly they may be.

If you are neglecting even the smallest command from Christ, don’t delay in setting it right. No matter how devoted you may appear outwardly, no amount of religious performance can make up for disobedience. “To obey is better than sacrifice,” even when it comes to the smallest matters.

Forget about fancy religious ceremonies, incense, or ornate robes. What God wants from His children is simple obedience. Even if you gave your body to be burned or all your possessions to the poor, if you are not living in obedience to God’s Word, all your religious acts are meaningless. It’s a blessing to have a heart that is teachable like a child, but it’s even more blessed when that lesson is carried out to the letter. How many people dress up their religion with beautiful buildings and impressive rituals but refuse to follow the teachings of the Lord? My soul, steer clear of their ways.

Morning and Evening - October 18

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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