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January 5
And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. — Gen 1:4 BSB
Light is truly good, especially since it was born from God’s command: “Let there be light.” We who enjoy it should be more grateful for it than we often are, and we should see more of God in it and through it. Physical light is said by Solomon to be sweet, but gospel light is far more precious, for it reveals eternal truths and nourishes our souls.
When the Holy Spirit grants us spiritual light and opens our eyes to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, we gain a true understanding of sin and our own position. We see God in His holiness, the plan of mercy He offers, and the world to come as described in Scripture.
Spiritual light has many different aspects—knowledge, joy, holiness, and life—but all of them are divinely good. If the light we receive is this good, how much greater must the source of that light be, and how glorious the place where He reveals Himself! O Lord, since light is so good, give us more of it, and give us more of Yourself, the true light.
Whenever something good comes into the world, separation is necessary. Light and darkness cannot mix; God has divided them, so we must not blur the lines. As children of light, we must not engage in the deeds, beliefs, or deceptions of darkness. We, who are children of the day, must be sober, honest, and bold in the work of our Lord, leaving the works of darkness to those who will dwell in it forever.
Our churches should, through discipline, separate light from darkness, and we should do the same by living distinctly apart from the world. In our judgments, actions, teaching, and associations, we must distinguish between what is precious and what is vile, maintaining the distinction God established on the very first day. O Lord Jesus, be our light throughout this day, for Your light is the light of all people.
And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. — Gen 1:4 BSB
This morning, we reflected on the goodness of light and how God separated it from the darkness. Now, let’s consider how God views the light with special attention. "God saw the light," and He looked at it with delight, finding pleasure in it. He saw that it "was good." If the Lord has given you light, dear reader, He watches over that light with great care, not only because it’s His own creation, but because it reflects His own nature, for "God is light."
It’s a comfort for believers to know that God watches over the work of grace He has begun in us. He never takes His eyes off the treasure He has placed in these fragile jars of clay. Sometimes, we may not see the light in ourselves, but God always sees it, and that’s far more important than our own sight. It’s better for the judge to see my innocence than for me to think I see it. It’s comforting to know that I belong to God, but even if I doubt that, as long as God knows it, I am safe. This is the solid foundation: "The Lord knows those who are His."
You may be sighing and struggling because of the sin that still resides in you, and you may be mourning over your darkness—but the Lord sees the "light" in your heart, for He has placed it there. All the shadows and clouds in your soul cannot hide your light from His gracious eyes! You may feel overwhelmed with despair, but if your heart longs for Christ, and you’re seeking to rest in His finished work, God sees the "light." He not only sees it, but He also preserves it in you. "I, the Lord, will keep it." This is a comforting thought for those who, after all their careful self-examination, feel powerless to keep themselves. The light God has preserved in you will one day grow into the full brightness of noonday and the glory of eternal life. The light within is the dawn of the eternal day!