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January 12


and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. — 1 Cor 3:23 BSB

“You are Christ’s.” You belong to Him because the Father gave you to Him. You are His because He bought you with His blood, paying the price for your redemption. You are His because you have dedicated yourself to Him. You are His because you bear His name, and He has made you one of His family and a co-heir with Him.

Show the world that you are a servant, a friend, and the bride of Jesus through how you live. When you are tempted to sin, remind yourself, “I cannot do this great evil because I belong to Christ!” The immortal principles of a follower of Jesus won’t allow us to sin without resisting. When sinful opportunities for wealth arise, say, “I am Christ’s,” and refuse to touch them. Are you facing challenges or dangers? Stand firm, remembering that you are Christ’s. Are you in a situation where others are idle, doing nothing? Rise to the task with all your strength, and when you grow weary, remind yourself, “I cannot stop, for I belong to Christ and cannot be idle.”

When pleasure tempts you to leave the path of righteousness, say, “Your allurements cannot sway me—I am Christ’s.” When God’s cause calls you to give of yourself and your possessions, give freely, for you are Christ’s. Never act in a way that denies your profession of faith. Let your life be one where people see Christ in your character, your words, and your actions. Let everything about you, from your manners to your speech, be a reflection of heaven, so that everyone who encounters you knows you belong to Jesus. Just as “I am a Roman!” was once a reason for honor and integrity, how much more should “I am Christ’s!” be our reason for holiness.


Bear with me a little longer, and I will show you that there is more to be said on God’s behalf. — Job 36:2 BSB

While we shouldn’t seek attention for our virtue or public recognition for our zeal, it’s also wrong to hide what God has given us to bless others. A Christian isn’t meant to be like a small village hidden in a valley but rather a “city on a hill.” We aren’t supposed to hide our light under a basket but place it on a stand, giving light to everyone around us. Solitude may be appropriate at times, and modesty has its place, but hiding Christ in us can never be justified. Withholding the truth that blesses us is a sin against others and an offense against God.

If you are naturally shy or introverted, be careful not to let this tendency hold you back from being useful to the church. In the name of the One who was not ashamed of you, push yourself a little beyond your comfort zone and share with others what Christ has shared with you. If you cannot speak loudly like a trumpet, then speak quietly like a soft whisper. If the pulpit is not your place, and if you cannot use the press to spread your words, then say with Peter and John, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you.”

Speak to the one by the well if you cannot preach to the crowds. Share the praises of Jesus in your home if you cannot shout them in the temple. Speak of His love in the field if you cannot speak of it in the marketplace. In the intimacy of your own family if you cannot speak to the wider world. Let the streams of testimony flow from the hidden springs within you, offering refreshment to all who pass by. Don’t hide your talent; use it, and you’ll bring a good return to your Lord and Master. Speaking for God will refresh your soul, encourage other believers, help those who don’t know Christ, and bring honor to the Savior. Silent children are a sorrow to their parents. Lord, loosen the tongues of all Your children!

Morning and Evening - January 12

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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