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August 6


This is the burden against Dumah: One calls to me from Seir, “Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?” — Isa 21:11 BSB

What dangers lurk during the night?

Errors are many, and new ones appear every day—which heresy should I guard against? Sins sneak out of their hiding places when darkness falls; I must climb the watchtower and remain vigilant in prayer. Our heavenly Protector sees every attack before it reaches us, and while Satan may only wish to harm us, Jesus prays that our faith will not fail when we are sifted like wheat. Continue, gracious Watchman, to warn us of the dangers, and for Zion’s sake, do not remain silent.

“Watchman, what of the night?” What weather is approaching for the church? Are the skies darkening, or is it all clear? We must care for the church with anxious love. Now that threats like Popery and infidelity loom, we must watch the signs of the times and prepare for the battle ahead.

“Watchman, what of the night?” What stars are visible? What precious promises apply to our current situation? You sound the alarm, now give us comfort. Christ, our North Star, is ever fixed in His place, and all the stars are secure in His hand.

“Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night end?” The Bridegroom delays. Are there no signs of His coming as the Sun of Righteousness? Hasn’t the morning star risen, promising the dawn? When will the day break and the shadows flee? O Jesus, if You do not come to Your waiting church today, come in spirit to my weary heart and make it sing for joy.


And blessed be His glorious name forever; may all the earth be filled with His glory. Amen and amen. — Ps 72:19 BSB

This is a grand request. To pray for a whole city requires great faith, and at times, even praying for one person can challenge us. Yet how expansive was the psalmist’s intercession! How comprehensive, how glorious! “Let the whole earth be filled with His glory!” No nation is excluded, no country is left out, however oppressed by superstition or barbarism. For the savage and the civilized, this prayer is offered, spanning the globe and covering every child of Adam. We must be working for our Master, or we cannot honestly pray such a prayer.

This petition is not sincere unless we also strive, with God’s help, to expand His kingdom. Are there some who neither pray nor work? Reader, is this your prayer? Look to Calvary! See the Lord of Life nailed to a cross, with a crown of thorns on His brow, His head, hands, and feet bleeding! Can you look at this miracle of miracles—the death of the Son of God—and not feel a depth of love that words cannot express? And when you know that His blood has washed away your sins, how can you not rise from your knees and cry, “Let the whole earth be filled with His glory! Amen, and Amen!” Can you bow before the Crucified in adoration and not long to see Him reign over the world? How can you claim to love your King and not desire to see Him as the ruler of all? Your faith is hollow if it does not lead you to wish that the same mercy shown to you may bless the entire world. Lord, it is harvest time—send out Your workers and reap!

Morning and Evening - August 6

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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