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August 2


In Him we were also chosen as God’s own, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything by the counsel of His will, — Eph 1:11 BSB

Believing in God’s wisdom means trusting that He has a definite purpose and plan in the work of salvation. Can you imagine creation without design? Not a single fish in the sea, nor a bird in the sky, was left to chance. Every bone, joint, muscle, and blood vessel reveals the presence of God, working according to the design of His infinite wisdom. If creation reflects His careful plan, how much more should we trust that grace operates under His divine purpose? Could the new creation in us be left to the whims of free will, while divine counsel governs the old creation?

Look at how God rules over providence! Not a sparrow falls without the Father knowing. Every hair on your head is numbered. God measures the mountains of your grief and the hills of your tribulation with precision. Will God, who orchestrates providence with such care, leave grace to blind chance? Absolutely not! He knows the end from the beginning. He not only laid the cornerstone of salvation in Christ’s blood but also sees the entire structure of His chosen people—each stone selected, shaped by grace, and placed perfectly in His temple. From foundation to rooftop, He knows the whole design.

In the end, it will be clear that every vessel of mercy, every saved soul, is part of God’s plan. In every part of His work of grace, He has achieved His purpose and glorified His name.


So Ruth gathered grain in the field until evening. And when she beat out what she had gleaned, it was about an ephah of barley. — Ruth 2:17 BSB

Let me learn from Ruth, the gleaner. Just as she went out to gather grain, so must I go into the fields of prayer, meditation, and hearing the Word to gather spiritual food. Ruth gathered her grain one ear at a time, and I too must be content with small truths if greater ones are not readily available. Each grain adds up, and every lesson from the gospel makes us wiser unto salvation.

The gleaner keeps her eyes open, or she would return home empty-handed. I must be alert in spiritual matters, lest they become unfruitful for me. I fear I’ve already missed much; O that I may value my opportunities and glean with greater diligence.

The gleaner stoops to gather all she finds, and so must I. Proud people criticize, but the humble glean and find benefit. A lowly heart helps us receive the gospel profitably. The Word of God is only received with meekness. Pride is a thief, stealing our spiritual gains. Down, pride! You’re a robber that must not be tolerated.

What the gleaner gathers, she keeps. If she dropped one ear to pick up another, her harvest would be small. She is careful both to gather and to keep, so that her work yields a great reward. How often do I forget what I’ve learned? One truth pushes out the last, and my reading and listening become an endless cycle of forgetting. Do I truly understand the importance of holding on to the truth?

A hungry belly drives the gleaner to work hard. If she doesn’t gather grain, she won’t have bread. Her sense of need makes her quick and diligent. My need is even greater. Lord, help me feel this urgency, so that I may glean from the rich fields of Your grace, which offer such a great reward to those who seek!

Morning and Evening - August 2

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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