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August 12
The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the distant shores be glad. — Ps 97:1 BSB
There is no need for anxiety when this blessed truth remains: the Lord's power can control the raging wicked just as easily as He calms the storms of the sea. His love refreshes the needy as rain refreshes the earth. God's majesty shines through even the fiercest tempests, and His glory is revealed in the rise and fall of nations, in the crumble of thrones, and the overturning of empires.
In every trial and trouble, we can see the hand of the King.
"God is God; He sees and hears
All our troubles, all our tears.
Soul, forget not, 'mid your pains,
God o'er all forever reigns!"
In hell itself, the evil spirits tremble at His sovereignty. Even when they are allowed to roam, they do so with a chain upon them. The mighty beasts of hell are under His control. Death’s power is kept in check by Him, and the grave is locked under His watch. The terrors of the Judge of all the earth make even the most rebellious tremble, just as dogs cower at the sound of their master's whip.
"Fear not death, nor Satan’s thrusts,
God defends whom in Him trusts;
Soul, remember, in your pains,
God o'er all forever reigns!"
In heaven, none doubt His rule. All fall on their faces in worship of the King Eternal. The angels are His servants, and the redeemed are His honored guests, delighted to serve Him day and night. May we soon join them in the city of our great King!
"For this life’s long night of sadness
He will give us peace and gladness.
Soul, remember, in your pains,
God o'er all forever reigns!"
Whenever I form clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, — Gen 9:14 BSB
The rainbow, the sign of God's covenant with Noah, is a symbol of our Lord Jesus, who is God's faithful witness to the world.
When do we expect to see the rainbow? It appears only when the sky is dark with clouds. When a sinner's heart is heavy with the weight of guilt and repentance, that is when Jesus, the Covenant Rainbow, reveals Himself. He displays the glorious beauty of God's character and brings the message of peace. To the believer surrounded by trials and temptations, it is sweet to see the person of Jesus—bleeding, risen, and pleading for us! God's rainbow shines above the clouds of our sins and sorrows, proclaiming hope and deliverance.
But a cloud alone does not bring a rainbow. There must be raindrops to reflect the light of the sun. Our trials must not only threaten—they must fall upon us. There would have been no Christ for us if God’s judgment had only been a threat. Christ had to endure real suffering for our sake. In the same way, the sinner must experience real conviction and grief before he can see Christ. Only when the weight of his guilt presses down on him does Jesus appear as his Savior.
And of course, the sun must shine, for clouds and rain alone do not create a rainbow. God, like the sun, is always present, but sometimes clouds hide His face. Yet, no matter how thick the clouds or how hard the rain falls, as soon as He shines through, the rainbow of hope appears. When we see the rainbow, it’s a sign that the storm is passing. Likewise, when Christ comes into our hearts, our troubles begin to fade. When we behold Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and our doubts and fears disappear. When Jesus walks on the waters of our stormy life, He brings peace like no other.