Morning Prayer

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Sunday, Week 2

The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is His delight.
— Proverbs 15:8 (BSB)

Groanings which cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused.
— Charles Spurgeon

Son of God, this is Your day, and we would give it all, and altogether to You. On this day You rose from the grave, vanquishing death and bringing life into the world. We thank You for Your victory. We thank You for this day, which by its weekly return, keeps us ever in mind of Your completed redemption.

May You make this an uplifting day to us. Help us to keep it holy unto You. Give us restful quiet in our hearts. Prepare us in the early morning for receiving the richest things of Your love which may be offered to us during the day. May we spread wide our skirts — while you are raining down blessings. May the public and private reading of Your word, bring to us messages from You which shall enrich our lives. May Your word so enter into our hearts, that it shall sweeten and purify all the fountains of our life. May this Sunday's communion with You, hold us close to You all the day, so that the warmth of Your love shall infuse itself into our souls, making us more like You.

We pray for all those who shall speak today for You, whether in the great Christian congregation, or in the quiet room with only two or three to hear, or whether Your servants shall speak by the wayside to a single soul. Bless all teachers in Sunday schools, all missionaries, all those who will carry the gospel message into prisons, hospitals, and asylums. Give Your word power, and may it be like a hammer to break rocky hearts; or like the voice of gentle stillness, to carry comfort to hearts that are in sorrow.

May this be a day of very rich blessing to our home. Stay with us and keep us, and pour Your love upon us, making our lives more beautiful, and preparing us to be richer blessings to others tomorrow. We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, Week 2

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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